Mon - Fri 8:00am-5:00pm -- 81 High St Brattleboro, VT 05301.
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Over 20 Years
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WSESD Investigation

If you have information regarding sexual abuse of students and/or harassment, or abuse of power by current or former faculty, administration and staff of the Windham Southeast Supervisory District, and you would like to report that information, please do so using the options for making a report available though this secure website.

If you would like to speak with an investigator please provide your name and contact information where we can reach you. Information provided, including names and contact information of reporters, will remain confidential unless disclosure is required by mandatory reporting laws in Vermont. If you prefer to report anonymously, please indicate this in your message and do not leave your name. Someone from this office will contact you within 24 hours to set up a meeting with an investigator.

Annis & Goddard, PLC is committed to providing transparent, accessible, and safe avenues for reporting. If you prefer, or require, any accommodation, Annis & Goddard, PLC will make every reasonable effort to support your needs.